Source code for berserk.clients

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from time import time as now
import requests
from deprecated import deprecated

from .session import Requestor
from .formats import JSON, LIJSON, PGN, NDJSON, TEXT
from . import models

__all__ = [

# Base URL for the API
API_URL = ''

class BaseClient:

    def __init__(self, session, base_url=None):
        self._r = Requestor(session, base_url or API_URL, default_fmt=JSON)

class FmtClient(BaseClient):
    """Client that can return PGN or not.

    :param session: request session, authenticated as needed
    :type session: :class:`requests.Session`
    :param str base_url: base URL for the API
    :param bool pgn_as_default: ``True`` if PGN should be the default format
                                for game exports when possible. This defaults
                                to ``False`` and is used as a fallback when
                                ``as_pgn`` is left as ``None`` for methods that
                                support it.

    def __init__(self, session, base_url=None, pgn_as_default=False):
        super().__init__(session, base_url)
        self.pgn_as_default = pgn_as_default

    def _use_pgn(self, as_pgn=None):
        # helper to merge default with provided arg
        return as_pgn if as_pgn is not None else self.pgn_as_default

[docs]class Client(BaseClient): """Main touchpoint for the API. All endpoints are namespaced into the clients below: - :class:`account <berserk.clients.Account>` - managing account information - :class:`bots <berserk.clients.Bots>` - performing bot operations - :class:`broadcasts <berserk.clients.Broadcasts>` - getting and creating broadcasts - :class:`challenges <berserk.clients.Challenges>` - using challenges - :class:`games <berserk.clients.Games>` - getting and exporting games - :class:`simuls <berserk.clients.Simuls>` - getting simultaneous exhibition games - :class:`studies <berserk.clients.Studies>` - exporting studies - :class:`teams <berserk.clients.Teams>` - getting information about teams - :class:`tournaments <berserk.clients.Tournaments>` - getting and creating tournaments - :class:`users <berserk.clients.Users>` - getting information about users :param session: request session, authenticated as needed :type session: :class:`requests.Session` :param str base_url: base API URL to use (if other than the default) :param bool pgn_as_default: ``True`` if PGN should be the default format for game exports when possible. This defaults to ``False`` and is used as a fallback when ``as_pgn`` is left as ``None`` for methods that support it. """ def __init__(self, session=None, base_url=None, pgn_as_default=False): session = session or requests.Session() super().__init__(session, base_url) self.account = Account(session, base_url) self.users = Users(session, base_url) self.teams = Teams(session, base_url) = Games(session, base_url, pgn_as_default=pgn_as_default) self.challenges = Challenges(session, base_url) self.board = Board(session, base_url) self.bots = Bots(session, base_url) self.tournaments = Tournaments(session, base_url, pgn_as_default=pgn_as_default) self.broadcasts = Broadcasts(session, base_url) self.simuls = Simuls(session, base_url) self.studies = Studies(session, base_url)
[docs]class Account(BaseClient): """Client for account-related endpoints."""
[docs] def get(self): """Get your public information. :return: public information about the authenticated user :rtype: dict """ path = 'api/account' return self._r.get(path, converter=models.Account.convert)
[docs] def get_email(self): """Get your email address. :return: email address of the authenticated user :rtype: str """ path = 'api/account/email' return self._r.get(path)['email']
[docs] def get_preferences(self): """Get your account preferences. :return: preferences of the authenticated user :rtype: dict """ path = 'api/account/preferences' return self._r.get(path)['prefs']
[docs] def get_kid_mode(self): """Get your kid mode status. :return: current kid mode status :rtype: bool """ path = 'api/account/kid' return self._r.get(path)['kid']
[docs] def set_kid_mode(self, value): """Set your kid mode status. :param bool value: whether to enable or disable kid mode :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = 'api/account/kid' params = {'v': value} return, params=params)['ok']
[docs] def upgrade_to_bot(self): """Upgrade your account to a bot account. Requires bot:play oauth scope. User cannot have any previously played games. :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = 'api/bot/account/upgrade' return['ok']
[docs]class Users(BaseClient): """Client for user-related endpoints."""
[docs] def get_puzzle_activity(self, max=None): """Stream puzzle activity history starting with the most recent. :param int max: maximum number of entries to stream :return: puzzle activity history :rtype: iter """ path = 'api/user/puzzle-activity' params = {'max': max} return self._r.get(path, params=params, fmt=NDJSON, stream=True, converter=models.PuzzleActivity.convert)
[docs] def get_realtime_statuses(self, *user_ids): """Get the online, playing, and streaming statuses of players. Only id and name fields are returned for offline users. :param user_ids: one or more user IDs (names) :return: statuses of given players :rtype: list """ path = 'api/users/status' params = {'ids': ','.join(user_ids)} return self._r.get(path, params=params)
[docs] def get_all_top_10(self): """Get the top 10 players for each speed and variant. :return: top 10 players in each speed and variant :rtype: dict """ path = 'player' return self._r.get(path, fmt=LIJSON)
[docs] def get_leaderboard(self, perf_type, count=10): """Get the leaderboard for one speed or variant. :param perf_type: speed or variant :type perf_type: :class:`~berserk.enums.PerfType` :param int count: number of players to get :return: top players for one speed or variant :rtype: list """ path = f'player/top/{count}/{perf_type}' return self._r.get(path, fmt=LIJSON)['users']
[docs] def get_public_data(self, username): """Get the public data for a user. :param str username: username :return: public data available for the given user :rtype: dict """ path = f'api/user/{username}' return self._r.get(path, converter=models.User.convert)
[docs] def get_activity_feed(self, username): """Get the activity feed of a user. :param str username: username :return: activity feed of the given user :rtype: list """ path = f'api/user/{username}/activity' return self._r.get(path, converter=models.Activity.convert)
[docs] def get_by_id(self, *usernames): """Get multiple users by their IDs. :param usernames: one or more usernames :return: user data for the given usernames :rtype: list """ path = 'api/users' return, data=','.join(usernames), converter=models.User.convert)
[docs] @deprecated(version='0.7.0', reason='use Teams.get_members(id) instead') def get_by_team(self, team_id): """Get members of a team. :param str team_id: ID of a team :return: users on the given team :rtype: iter """ path = f'team/{team_id}/users' return self._r.get(path, fmt=NDJSON, stream=True, converter=models.User.convert)
[docs] def get_live_streamers(self): """Get basic information about currently streaming users. :return: users currently streaming a game :rtype: list """ path = 'streamer/live' return self._r.get(path)
[docs] def get_users_followed(self, username): """Stream users followed by a user. :param str username: a username :return: iterator over the users the given user follows :rtype: iter """ path = f'/api/user/{username}/following' return self._r.get(path, stream=True, fmt=NDJSON, converter=models.User.convert)
[docs] def get_users_following(self, username): """Stream users who follow a user. :param str username: a username :return: iterator over the users that follow the given user :rtype: iter """ path = f'/api/user/{username}/followers' return self._r.get(path, stream=True, fmt=NDJSON, converter=models.User.convert)
[docs] def get_rating_history(self, username): """Get the rating history of a user. :param str username: a username :return: rating history for all game types :rtype: list """ path = f'/api/user/{username}/rating-history' return self._r.get(path, converter=models.RatingHistory.convert)
[docs]class Teams(BaseClient):
[docs] def get_members(self, team_id): """Get members of a team. :param str team_id: ID of a team :return: users on the given team :rtype: iter """ path = f'team/{team_id}/users' return self._r.get(path, fmt=NDJSON, stream=True, converter=models.User.convert)
[docs] def join(self, team_id): """Join a team. :param str team_id: ID of a team :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = f'/team/{team_id}/join' return['ok']
[docs] def leave(self, team_id): """Leave a team. :param str team_id: ID of a team :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = f'/team/{team_id}/quit' return['ok']
[docs] def kick_member(self, team_id, user_id): """Kick a member out of your team. :param str team_id: ID of a team :param str user_id: ID of a team member :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = f'/team/{team_id}/kick/{user_id}' return['ok']
[docs]class Games(FmtClient): """Client for games-related endpoints."""
[docs] def export(self, game_id, as_pgn=None, moves=None, tags=None, clocks=None, evals=None, opening=None, literate=None): """Get one finished game as PGN or JSON. :param str game_id: the ID of the game to export :param bool as_pgn: whether to return the game in PGN format :param bool moves: whether to include the PGN moves :param bool tags: whether to include the PGN tags :param bool clocks: whether to include clock comments in the PGN moves :param bool evals: whether to include analysis evaluation comments in the PGN moves when available :param bool opening: whether to include the opening name :param bool literate: whether to include literate the PGN :return: exported game, as JSON or PGN """ path = f'game/export/{game_id}' params = { 'moves': moves, 'tags': tags, 'clocks': clocks, 'evals': evals, 'opening': opening, 'literate': literate, } fmt = PGN if self._use_pgn(as_pgn) else JSON return self._r.get(path, params=params, fmt=fmt, converter=models.Game.convert)
[docs] def export_by_player(self, username, as_pgn=None, since=None, until=None, max=None, vs=None, rated=None, perf_type=None, color=None, analysed=None, moves=None, tags=None, evals=None, opening=None): """Get games by player. :param str username: which player's games to return :param bool as_pgn: whether to return the game in PGN format :param int since: lowerbound on the game timestamp :param int until: upperbound on the game timestamp :param int max: limit the number of games returned :param str vs: filter by username of the opponent :param bool rated: filter by game mode (``True`` for rated, ``False`` for casual) :param perf_type: filter by speed or variant :type perf_type: :class:`~berserk.enums.PerfType` :param color: filter by the color of the player :type color: :class:`~berserk.enums.Color` :param bool analysed: filter by analysis availability :param bool moves: whether to include the PGN moves :param bool tags: whether to include the PGN tags :param bool clocks: whether to include clock comments in the PGN moves :param bool evals: whether to include analysis evaluation comments in the PGN moves when available :param bool opening: whether to include the opening name :param bool literate: whether to include literate the PGN :return: iterator over the exported games, as JSON or PGN """ path = f'api/games/user/{username}' params = { 'since': since, 'until': until, 'max': max, 'vs': vs, 'rated': rated, 'perfType': perf_type, 'color': color, 'analysed': analysed, 'moves': moves, 'tags': tags, 'evals': evals, 'opening': opening, } fmt = PGN if self._use_pgn(as_pgn) else NDJSON yield from self._r.get(path, params=params, fmt=fmt, stream=True, converter=models.Game.convert)
[docs] def export_multi(self, *game_ids, as_pgn=None, moves=None, tags=None, clocks=None, evals=None, opening=None): """Get multiple games by ID. :param game_ids: one or more game IDs to export :param bool as_pgn: whether to return the game in PGN format :param bool moves: whether to include the PGN moves :param bool tags: whether to include the PGN tags :param bool clocks: whether to include clock comments in the PGN moves :param bool evals: whether to include analysis evaluation comments in the PGN moves when available :param bool opening: whether to include the opening name :return: iterator over the exported games, as JSON or PGN """ path = 'games/export/_ids' params = { 'moves': moves, 'tags': tags, 'clocks': clocks, 'evals': evals, 'opening': opening, } payload = ','.join(game_ids) fmt = PGN if self._use_pgn(as_pgn) else NDJSON yield from, params=params, data=payload, fmt=fmt, stream=True, converter=models.Game.convert)
[docs] def get_among_players(self, *usernames): """Get the games currently being played among players. Note this will not includes games where only one player is in the given list of usernames. :param usernames: two or more usernames :return: iterator over all games played among the given players """ path = 'api/stream/games-by-users' payload = ','.join(usernames) yield from, data=payload, fmt=NDJSON, stream=True, converter=models.Game.convert)
# move this to Account?
[docs] def get_ongoing(self, count=10): """Get your currently ongoing games. :param int count: number of games to get :return: some number of currently ongoing games :rtype: list """ path = 'api/account/playing' params = {'nb': count} return self._r.get(path, params=params)['nowPlaying']
[docs] def get_tv_channels(self): """Get basic information about the best games being played. :return: best ongoing games in each speed and variant :rtype: dict """ path = 'tv/channels' return self._r.get(path)
[docs]class Challenges(BaseClient):
[docs] def create(self, username, rated, clock_limit=None, clock_increment=None, days=None, color=None, variant=None, position=None): """Challenge another player to a game. :param str username: username of the player to challege :param bool rated: whether or not the game will be rated :param int clock_limit: clock initial time (in seconds) :param int clock_increment: clock increment (in seconds) :param int days: days per move (for correspondence games; omit clock) :param color: color of the accepting player :type color: :class:`~berserk.enums.Color` :param variant: game variant to use :type variant: :class:`~berserk.enums.Variant` :param position: custom intial position in FEN (variant must be standard and the game cannot be rated) :type position: str :return: challenge data :rtype: dict """ path = f'api/challenge/{username}' payload = { 'rated': rated, 'clock.limit': clock_limit, 'clock.increment': clock_increment, 'days': days, 'color': color, 'variant': variant, 'fen': position, } return, json=payload, converter=models.Tournament.convert)
[docs] def create_with_accept(self, username, rated, token, clock_limit=None, clock_increment=None, days=None, color=None, variant=None, position=None): """Start a game with another player. This is just like the regular challenge create except it forces the opponent to accept. You must provide the OAuth token of the opponent and it must have the challenge:write scope. :param str username: username of the opponent :param bool rated: whether or not the game will be rated :param str token: opponent's OAuth token :param int clock_limit: clock initial time (in seconds) :param int clock_increment: clock increment (in seconds) :param int days: days per move (for correspondence games; omit clock) :param color: color of the accepting player :type color: :class:`~berserk.enums.Color` :param variant: game variant to use :type variant: :class:`~berserk.enums.Variant` :param position: custom intial position in FEN (variant must be standard and the game cannot be rated) :type position: :class:`~berserk.enums.Position` :return: game data :rtype: dict """ path = f'api/challenge/{username}' payload = { 'rated': rated, 'acceptByToken': token, 'clock.limit': clock_limit, 'clock.increment': clock_increment, 'days': days, 'color': color, 'variant': variant, 'fen': position, } return, json=payload, converter=models.Tournament.convert)
[docs] def create_ai(self, level=8, clock_limit=None, clock_increment=None, days=None, color=None, variant=None, position=None): """Challenge AI to a game. :param int level: level of the AI (1 to 8) :param int clock_limit: clock initial time (in seconds) :param int clock_increment: clock increment (in seconds) :param int days: days per move (for correspondence games; omit clock) :param color: color of the accepting player :type color: :class:`~berserk.enums.Color` :param variant: game variant to use :type variant: :class:`~berserk.enums.Variant` :param position: use one of the custom initial positions (variant must be standard and cannot be rated) :type position: str :return: success indicator :rtype: bool """ path = f'api/challenge/ai' payload = { 'level': level, 'clock.limit': clock_limit, 'clock.increment': clock_increment, 'days': days, 'color': color, 'variant': variant, 'fen': position, } return, json=payload, converter=models.Tournament.convert)
[docs] def create_open(self, clock_limit=None, clock_increment=None, variant=None, position=None): """Create a challenge that any two players can join. :param int clock_limit: clock initial time (in seconds) :param int clock_increment: clock increment (in seconds) :param variant: game variant to use :type variant: :class:`~berserk.enums.Variant` :param position: custom intial position in FEN (variant must be standard and the game cannot be rated) :type position: str :return: challenge data :rtype: dict """ path = f'api/challenge/open' payload = { 'clock.limit': clock_limit, 'clock.increment': clock_increment, 'variant': variant, 'fen': position, } return, json=payload, converter=models.Tournament.convert)
[docs] def accept(self, challenge_id): """Accept an incoming challenge. :param str challenge_id: id of the challenge to accept :return: success indicator :rtype: bool """ path = f'api/challenge/{challenge_id}/accept' return['ok']
[docs] def decline(self, challenge_id): """Decline an incoming challenge. :param str challenge_id: id of the challenge to decline :return: success indicator :rtype: bool """ path = f'api/challenge/{challenge_id}/decline' return['ok']
[docs]class Board(BaseClient): """Client for physical board or external application endpoints."""
[docs] def stream_incoming_events(self): """Get your realtime stream of incoming events. :return: stream of incoming events :rtype: iterator over the stream of events """ path = 'api/stream/event' yield from self._r.get(path, stream=True)
[docs] def seek(self, time, increment, rated=False, variant='standard', color='random', rating_range=None): """Create a public seek to start a game with a random opponent. :param int time: intial clock time in minutes :param int increment: clock increment in minutes :param bool rated: whether the game is rated (impacts ratings) :param str variant: game variant to use :param str color: color to play :param rating_range: range of opponent ratings :return: duration of the seek :rtype: float """ if isinstance(rating_range, (list, tuple)): low, high = rating_range rating_range = f'{low}-{high}' path = '/api/board/seek' payload = { 'rated': str(bool(rated)).lower(), 'time': time, 'increment': increment, 'variant': variant, 'color': color, 'ratingRange': rating_range or '', } # we time the seek start = now() # just keep reading to keep the search going for line in, data=payload, fmt=TEXT, stream=True): pass # and return the time elapsed return now() - start
[docs] def stream_game_state(self, game_id): """Get the stream of events for a board game. :param str game_id: ID of a game :return: iterator over game states """ path = f'api/board/game/stream/{game_id}' yield from self._r.get(path, stream=True, converter=models.GameState.convert)
[docs] def make_move(self, game_id, move): """Make a move in a board game. :param str game_id: ID of a game :param str move: move to make :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = f'api/board/game/{game_id}/move/{move}' return['ok']
[docs] def post_message(self, game_id, text, spectator=False): """Post a message in a board game. :param str game_id: ID of a game :param str text: text of the message :param bool spectator: post to spectator room (else player room) :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = f'api/board/game/{game_id}/chat' room = 'spectator' if spectator else 'player' payload = {'room': room, 'text': text} return, json=payload)['ok']
[docs] def abort_game(self, game_id): """Abort a board game. :param str game_id: ID of a game :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = f'api/board/game/{game_id}/abort' return['ok']
[docs] def resign_game(self, game_id): """Resign a board game. :param str game_id: ID of a game :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = f'api/board/game/{game_id}/resign' return['ok']
[docs] def handle_draw_offer(self, game_id, accept): """Create, accept, or decline a draw offer. To offer a draw, pass ``accept=True`` and a game ID of an in-progress game. To response to a draw offer, pass either ``accept=True`` or ``accept=False`` and the ID of a game in which you have recieved a draw offer. Often, it's easier to call :func:`offer_draw`, :func:`accept_draw`, or :func:`decline_draw`. :param str game_id: ID of an in-progress game :param bool accept: whether to accept :return: True if successful :rtype: bool """ accept = "yes" if accept else "no" path = f'/api/board/game/{game_id}/draw/{accept}' return['ok']
[docs] def offer_draw(self, game_id): """Offer a draw in the given game. :param str game_id: ID of an in-progress game :return: True if successful :rtype: bool """ return self.handle_draw_offer(game_id, True)
[docs] def accept_draw(self, game_id): """Accept an already offered draw in the given game. :param str game_id: ID of an in-progress game :return: True if successful :rtype: bool """ return self.handle_draw_offer(game_id, True)
[docs] def decline_draw(self, game_id): """Decline an already offered draw in the given game. :param str game_id: ID of an in-progress game :return: True if successful :rtype: bool """ return self.handle_draw_offer(game_id, False)
[docs]class Bots(BaseClient): """Client for bot-related endpoints."""
[docs] def stream_incoming_events(self): """Get your realtime stream of incoming events. :return: stream of incoming events :rtype: iterator over the stream of events """ path = 'api/stream/event' yield from self._r.get(path, stream=True)
[docs] def stream_game_state(self, game_id): """Get the stream of events for a bot game. :param str game_id: ID of a game :return: iterator over game states """ path = f'api/bot/game/stream/{game_id}' yield from self._r.get(path, stream=True, converter=models.GameState.convert)
[docs] def make_move(self, game_id, move): """Make a move in a bot game. :param str game_id: ID of a game :param str move: move to make :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = f'api/bot/game/{game_id}/move/{move}' return['ok']
[docs] def post_message(self, game_id, text, spectator=False): """Post a message in a bot game. :param str game_id: ID of a game :param str text: text of the message :param bool spectator: post to spectator room (else player room) :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = f'api/bot/game/{game_id}/chat' room = 'spectator' if spectator else 'player' payload = {'room': room, 'text': text} return, json=payload)['ok']
[docs] def abort_game(self, game_id): """Abort a bot game. :param str game_id: ID of a game :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = f'api/bot/game/{game_id}/abort' return['ok']
[docs] def resign_game(self, game_id): """Resign a bot game. :param str game_id: ID of a game :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = f'api/bot/game/{game_id}/resign' return['ok']
[docs] def accept_challenge(self, challenge_id): """Accept an incoming challenge. :param str challenge_id: ID of a challenge :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = f'api/challenge/{challenge_id}/accept' return['ok']
[docs] def decline_challenge(self, challenge_id): """Decline an incoming challenge. :param str challenge_id: ID of a challenge :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = f'api/challenge/{challenge_id}/decline' return['ok']
[docs]class Tournaments(FmtClient): """Client for tournament-related endpoints."""
[docs] def get(self): """Get recently finished, ongoing, and upcoming tournaments. :return: current tournaments :rtype: list """ path = 'api/tournament' return self._r.get(path, converter=models.Tournaments.convert_values)
[docs] def create(self, clock_time, clock_increment, minutes, name=None, wait_minutes=None, variant=None, berserkable=None, rated=None, start_date=None, position=None, password=None, conditions=None): """Create a new tournament. .. note:: ``wait_minutes`` is always relative to now and is overriden by ``start_time``. .. note:: If ``name`` is left blank then one is automatically created. :param int clock_time: intial clock time in minutes :param int clock_increment: clock increment in seconds :param int minutes: length of the tournament in minutes :param str name: tournament name :param int wait_minutes: future start time in minutes :param str start_date: when to start the tournament :param str variant: variant to use if other than standard :param bool rated: whether the game affects player ratings :param str berserkable: whether players can use berserk :param str position: custom initial position in FEN :param str password: password (makes the tournament private) :param dict conditions: conditions for participation :return: created tournament info :rtype: dict """ path = 'api/tournament' payload = { 'name': name, 'clockTime': clock_time, 'clockIncrement': clock_increment, 'minutes': minutes, 'waitMinutes': wait_minutes, 'startDate': start_date, 'variant': variant, 'rated': rated, 'position': position, 'berserkable': berserkable, 'password': password, **{f'conditions.{c}': v for c, v in (conditions or {}).items()}, } return, json=payload, converter=models.Tournament.convert)
[docs] def export_games(self, id_, as_pgn=False, moves=None, tags=None, clocks=None, evals=None, opening=None): """Export games from a tournament. :param str id_: tournament ID :param bool as_pgn: whether to return PGN instead of JSON :param bool moves: include moves :param bool tags: include tags :param bool clocks: include clock comments in the PGN moves, when available :param bool evals: include analysis evalulation comments in the PGN moves, when available :param bool opening: include the opening name :return: games :rtype: list """ path = f'api/tournament/{id_}/games' params = { 'moves': moves, 'tags': tags, 'clocks': clocks, 'evals': evals, 'opening': opening, } fmt = PGN if self._use_pgn(as_pgn) else NDJSON return self._r.get(path, params=params, fmt=fmt, converter=models.Game.convert)
[docs] def stream_results(self, id_, limit=None): """Stream the results of a tournament. Results are the players of a tournament with their scores and performance in rank order. Note that results for ongoing tournaments can be inconsistent due to ranking changes. :param str id_: tournament ID :param int limit: maximum number of results to stream :return: iterator over the stream of results :rtype: iter """ path = f'api/tournament/{id_}/results' params = {'nb': limit} return self._r.get(path, params=params, stream=True)
[docs] def stream_by_creator(self, username): """Stream the tournaments created by a player. :param str username: username of the player :return: tournaments :rtype: iter """ path = f'api/user/{username}/tournament/created' return self._r.get(path, stream=True)
[docs]class Broadcasts(BaseClient): """Broadcast of one or more games."""
[docs] def create(self, name, description, sync_url=None, markdown=None, credit=None, starts_at=None, official=None, throttle=None): """Create a new broadcast. .. note:: ``sync_url`` must be publicly accessible. If not provided, you must periodically push new PGN to update the broadcast manually. :param str name: name of the broadcast :param str description: short description :param str markdown: long description :param str sync_url: URL by which Lichess can poll for updates :param str credit: short text to give credit to the source provider :param int starts_at: start time as millis :param bool official: DO NOT USE :param int throttle: DO NOT USE :return: created tournament info :rtype: dict """ path = 'broadcast/new' payload = { 'name': name, 'description': description, 'syncUrl': sync_url, 'markdown': markdown, 'credit': credit, 'startsAt': starts_at, 'official': official, 'throttle': throttle, } return, json=payload, converter=models.Broadcast.convert)
[docs] def get(self, broadcast_id, slug='-'): """Get a broadcast by ID. :param str broadcast_id: ID of a broadcast :param str slug: slug for SEO :return: broadcast information :rtype: dict """ path = f'broadcast/{slug}/{broadcast_id}' return self._r.get(path, converter=models.Broadcast.convert)
[docs] def update(self, broadcast_id, name, description, sync_url, markdown=None, credit=None, starts_at=None, official=None, throttle=None, slug='-'): """Update an existing broadcast by ID. .. note:: Provide all fields. Values in missing fields will be erased. :param str broadcast_id: ID of a broadcast :param str name: name of the broadcast :param str description: short description :param str sync_url: URL by which Lichess can poll for updates :param str markdown: long description :param str credit: short text to give credit to the source provider :param int starts_at: start time as millis :param bool official: DO NOT USE :param int throttle: DO NOT USE :param str slug: slug for SEO :return: updated broadcast information :rtype: dict """ path = f'broadcast/{slug}/{broadcast_id}' payload = { 'name': name, 'description': description, 'syncUrl': sync_url, 'markdown': markdown, 'credit': credit, 'startsAt': starts_at, 'official': official, } return, json=payload, converter=models.Broadcast.convert)
[docs] def push_pgn_update(self, broadcast_id, pgn_games, slug='-'): """Manually update an existing broadcast by ID. :param str broadcast_id: ID of a broadcast :param list pgn_games: one or more games in PGN format :return: success :rtype: bool """ path = f'broadcast/{slug}/{broadcast_id}/push' games = '\n\n'.join(g.strip() for g in pgn_games) return, data=games)['ok']
[docs]class Simuls(BaseClient): """Simultaneous exhibitions - one vs many."""
[docs] def get(self): """Get recently finished, ongoing, and upcoming simuls. :return: current simuls :rtype: list """ path = 'api/simul' return self._r.get(path)
[docs]class Studies(BaseClient): """Study chess the Lichess way."""
[docs] def export_chapter(self, study_id, chapter_id): """Export one chapter of a study. :return: chapter :rtype: PGN """ path = f'/study/{study_id}/{chapter_id}.pgn' return self._r.get(path, fmt=PGN)
[docs] def export(self, study_id): """Export all chapters of a study. :return: all chapters as PGN :rtype: list """ path = f'/study/{study_id}.pgn' return self._r.get(path, fmt=PGN, stream=True)